Will the Scharnhorst be taking a break? I can always come back and get one or the other at a later date. ***What will sway me most of all is the Premium Shop availability(or lack thereof) - I expect Tirpitz to be around a while. I'm left at a deadlock presently.sigh + lol. Also it's great at carrying since it can handle most other types of ships and is very versatile. It's probably one of the most fun ships to play, with its high-maneuverability, fast reload, and torps. While no battleship should steam headlong into the cap, the Scharnhorst is usually on the front lines for most of the battle. While it's guns can struggle against well armoured BBs, they completely rip apart cruisers with their hitting power and great ROF.įinally, the "passive" play-style comment almost made me think you were a troll or that your post was sarcastic. MM is one of the reasons to get a Scharnhorst, not a reason against it.Īlso, deleting cruisers is kind of the Scharnhorst's thing. In a Scharnhorst, you face T5s way more often than T9s.

I have no idea what you are talking about. Play style for both is very passive at the start. Tirpitz does not have enough guns and the accuracy to be competitive. Ontop of that, the mediocre AA makes it prime target for high tier CV to drop torps. Nor it has big enough caliber guns to do it reliably. To expand, Shiny Horse, unlike the T6 Spee, in its MM bracket does not h ave enough range to safely delete cruisers. The power difference between T9 and 7 is just too big, same for T10 and 8. Also due to average performance of both, also neither (if you care about your stats, and by the looks of it, you do). Due to the match making tier, neither really.